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Password: sphere
2012 Install
Once you download and install you will need to explicitly "Run as Administrator" from the start menu the first time that you run 3ds Max. This only needs to be done the first time you run 3ds Max so that it can finish installing and authorizing your software. You can then activate online with the license ID and Password you received from purchasing the software.
If you are receiving an upgrade due to purchasing this year please contact support@nPowerSoftware.com for your license information
Installer news:
Note for customers using Vista...
after running the installer, you will need to explicitly "Run as Administrator" from the start menu the first time that you run 3ds Max. This only needs to be done the first time you run 3ds Max so that it can finish installing and authorizing your software.
Quick Help Prior to Installing Power Translators Basic...
After installing Translators Basic and selecting the appropriate plugin in the first dialogue option, the following config file (nPower_Config30.ini) should be created in the root Max directory. If you are having any difficulties with the product, first check if the config file has the corresponding attribute:
If you have a previous version (including demo version), first uninstall the previous version. And then use the following instructions.
1. Download the installer from the links above (choose the version that matches your version of 3ds Max / Viz)
2. Run the installer on your machine. Make sure to choose the appropriate product during the install (choose Power Translators Basic). Also, make sure that you select the correct top level 3ds Max directory to install to. For example, the default 3ds Max installation directory for Max 9 is C:/Program Files/Autodesk/3ds Max 9.
3. If you have not received one yet, request a serial number from support@nPowerSoftware.com
4. Start up Max and try to do an import - a different authorization dialog will pop up - make sure that "Localhost" is selected, and then click on the "Authorize" button, and choose the online authorization. Then enter the Serial number that you received (along with your personal information).