Filling Holes

Removing unwanted Geometry

Because a scanned mesh can be overly large and unwieldy, the next step should be to delete any features that could interfere with the retopo process. This can be anything from bumps and warts left by the scanning process, to ‘features’ that can be added easier and more accurately as SOLIDWORKS features. As part of the ‘prepping’ process, you will be adding patches to cover holes left by both the scanner and removal of unwanted features. Surfaces that will be hidden by this type of proxy geometry should also be removed.

1.Make sure you are in Edit Reference Mesh mode.

2.Select the geometry you wish to remove.

3.Select Delete from the Power Surfacing tab or the right-click menu.

Removing unwanted features or features better suited to CAD modeling


Creating Proxy surfaces

There are several reasons to improve the surface of your reference mesh before going through the retopo process.  Some features are better added with the conventional SOLIDWORKS workflow. Some existing features may be unwanted in the new version of the object. In the case of scanned meshes, there may be areas that didn’t scan well, or areas where the original object was worn, injured or otherwise undesirable. Whatever the reason, providing a new proxy surface for a constrained vertex to snap to will save you time in the long run.

In this example, the raised and recessed areas are better done as SOLIDWORKS features. With the faces turned off, the retopo geometry won’t snap to the hidden faces, so the next step is to create the proxy surfaces. This will give your retopo geometry something to snap to that lets you retain a continuous surface.  

Small areas and flat areas are fairly simple to fill.  The small bolt holes in this example are a good place to begin.

1.Using the Draw Edges tool, , create a small quad to go over each of the two small holes and the slot.

2.You may want to use Insert Edges, , to make sure the slot’s quad conforms to the surface.  

Using small quads to cover holes in the reference mesh  

Next you will add the ‘bandages’ to the reference mesh.

3.In Face sub-object mode, select all of the new faces.

4.n the Power Surfacing Retopo tab, pick the Add to Mesh button, .

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